Friday, December 21, 2007

Get Massive Achievement Points Fast!

So you want the ability to rack up a heap of points on Xbox live in a short time with ease; you can do this if you play smart! You can save hours upon hours of time and money from hiring rentals of games avoiding the bad ones and instead choosing the games that dish out good points for little effort.

If you really want to get those points and you realize that time is precious then you need some expert help. This help can come from a group of guys who have dedicated their time to finding every way to get fast and easy points in Xbox games. A more dedicated bunch of gaming geeks you will not find!

These guys have compiled their findings in a downloadable content that you can access immediately for a small cost, but do not let that put you off. Think of all the time you spend on games that give up no points and think of all the money you pay for them to buy or rent. For a fraction of this cost you could start earning points and the money you save can be put into buying the games you will want to play and keep. So if you are sick of having such a small pionts score and want it to grow, this is the only guide on the net this comprehensive so take a look!

Xbox 360 Easy Achievements Guide

I almost forgot to say that this guide is updated often as new games come out that can be plundered for those points!


If you are having trouble with the 3 red light error on your Xbox click here to learn how to fix it yourself in 30 minutes.

Xbox 360 - Repair Guides

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Xbox 360 repair guide

The 3 red light error is the bane of all Xbox gamers and comes up so frequently as to clog up the MS repair centers. This has led to waiting times of up to 6 to 8 weeks all for a problem Microsoft never addresses in the production of the Xbox 360.

Now don't get me wrong the Xbox is an amazing machine that provides us all with hours upon hours of entertainment, competition and challenges ... but waiting for two months to get your machine fixed is just a bizarre waste of time when it can be fixed in just 30 minutes.

Yep, that’s right just 30 minutes and you could be back to playing your games again and anyone can do it if you know just what to do.

However this information is not for free, the guys who have worked this out have a product that saves you time and money and have a small charge for their efforts. Oh yes, did mention the money? It can cost you about $140 in shipping and handling to get your Xbox to and from the repair centers (with a two month wait time in-between remember) These guides do not cost that much or even near that much so its a pretty good deal.

There are however a few products out there that solve this problem so I thought I would list those I could find and their costs as well as some features they offer so you can make your decision. While everyone wants a free fix remember these guides give you a 30 minute fix and none of them are over $30.

Xbox 360 3 red lights fix by Chris Jones
This guide claims to be the best selling on the net and I do believe this could be true. When you download the guide you get full color pictures to show you what to do as you go along as well as a full length video you can refer to as you follow along fixing the Xbox. He also claims this is a permanent fix that takes just 3o minutes. Chris has taken some serious effort in making this easy to use and very informative and the video is a very nice touch. He only charges $23.95 the cheapest of all the guides also.
Click here to check this guide out.

Xbox 360 red light fix authors unknown
This guide’s page looks very professional and also includes videos to help you through the process. They claim to be a group of professional technicians who have a lot of experience with these sorts of things and they do sound like the real deal. They also list a group of fixes that are floating around the net that they have disproved and that may damage your Xbox like the towel trick and soldering connections. They also say the fix will take two hours at the longest; the other guides all seem to claim 30 minutes is all that is needed. I think that the two hours might be more realistic and the others might just be building hype.
This guide costs $29.95 but does seem to be the most professional of the guides on the net.
Click here to check this guide out.

Xbox repair kit author unknown
Again no name on this guide and it also includes a video and pictures to follow along. Seems to be a clone of the first guide I listed but it does have another advantage. They also include an Xbox 360 firmware hacking guide which allows you to play backups and use third party software without using a mod-chip. Not a bad deal really and the content is similar to the others if perhaps not as polished.
The cost of this guide is $24.95 including the bonus product making it the second cheapest around.
Click here to check this guide out.

I found a few more guides but these looked the most promising of the bunch. So check out the one that looks best to you and remember you could be saving an enormous amount of time and money by using these guys and the downloadable content means that you can get started right away.

I just noticed all of them come with a money back guarantee too, you got nothing to lose!


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