Friday, December 21, 2007

Get Massive Achievement Points Fast!

So you want the ability to rack up a heap of points on Xbox live in a short time with ease; you can do this if you play smart! You can save hours upon hours of time and money from hiring rentals of games avoiding the bad ones and instead choosing the games that dish out good points for little effort.

If you really want to get those points and you realize that time is precious then you need some expert help. This help can come from a group of guys who have dedicated their time to finding every way to get fast and easy points in Xbox games. A more dedicated bunch of gaming geeks you will not find!

These guys have compiled their findings in a downloadable content that you can access immediately for a small cost, but do not let that put you off. Think of all the time you spend on games that give up no points and think of all the money you pay for them to buy or rent. For a fraction of this cost you could start earning points and the money you save can be put into buying the games you will want to play and keep. So if you are sick of having such a small pionts score and want it to grow, this is the only guide on the net this comprehensive so take a look!

Xbox 360 Easy Achievements Guide

I almost forgot to say that this guide is updated often as new games come out that can be plundered for those points!


If you are having trouble with the 3 red light error on your Xbox click here to learn how to fix it yourself in 30 minutes.

Xbox 360 - Repair Guides

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